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Projects about
#Generative AI

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EDIH Digitalis

The European Digital Innovation Hub DIGITALIS aims to help both groups of industrial companies. Traditional SMEs with the adoption of new digital technologies and tech savvy SMEs with connecting them in building up a competitive advantage in the globalized marketplace.

News about
#Generative AI

Example project image

AI - Creative colleague or dishonest competitor?

On April 23, Thijs Pirmez from Cyber 3 Lab will be a guest at the science café in Kortrijk where we will discuss what the future looks like with AI.

Events about
#Generative AI

Example project image

Generatieve AI voor HR Professionals

Welke nieuwe mogelijkheden bieden generatieve AI tools ChatGPT, Copilot, Midjourney, ... in typische HR taken en processen? Leer hierover meer tijdens de meetup "Generatieve AI voor HR Professionals" op donderdag 22 februari (18-21u) in het gloednieuwe gebouw van Howest.