Tetra: Blockchain4SME
Tetra: Blockchain4SME
Blockchain4SME is a project approved by the Flemish Agency for Innovation and Entrepreneurship under the TETRA program. TETRA projects aim to translate recently available knowledge (new technology, recently finished research or existing knowledge from another domain or other sector) into concrete, useful information so that in the short term after the end of the project the target group can innovate faster and more efficiently.

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Quick facts
Blockchain4SME is a project approved by the Flemish Agency for Innovation and Entrepreneurship under the TETRA program.
The SME has experienced and endured the first Internet revolutions (Web 1.0 and Web 2.0). The SME has learned about the Internet from EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), B2B and B2C. The SME knows that it can connect its database with other databases but in practice this is not so easy or practical. However, there is also a problem with instant data availability. Data is constantly changing. SME business processes are not simple and require a lot of processing of data. Automating this processing, improving it and making it faster is a big challenge.
The main goal of the research is to pass on the knowledge of blockchain technology to Flemish SMEs so that they can further digitize, improve, renew, secure and provide data privacy for their business processes. Flanders has approximately 300,000 SMEs. These companies are the connective tissue of our Flemish economy. The SME must be able to use the new technology.
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Shane Deconinck, Web3 Lead
Wim Van Renterghem, Web3 Program Manager, Researcher & Lecturer
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